What can I learn right now in 10 minutes?

Chetanya Pandey
4 min readJun 29, 2021


think no ordinary human can teach you that, so well let me take you to a world.

Wind blows…here we go…DARK WHISTLE…

Once upon a time there lived a boy named Winnie who was mothered by a nurse. Okay, not mothered. ‘Motivated’ is a better word.

Winnie’s dreams were powerful enough to propagate their waves from a distance as large as a light year, but his actions..uh oh..he miserably failed every exam he appeared in, just like the topper of your class cracks every exam he sets his foot in.

His life in the military school didn’t twinkle either.

One of his classmates, his clone on earth, ended up his life because there was no one to motivate him, and he didn’t use his own inner self to motivate himself, and so his self thought- why should I bother about him?

But our man kept going and neglecting the people on the path and what they had to say.

But, haha…who succeeds by speaking such quotes once in a while?

Our man failed again.

And he failed yet again…

No one succeeds by motivating themselves, once, twice…. TRUE

Everyone succeeds by motivating themselves throughout life. ALSO TRUE.

AND..OUR MAN…went on to become what we know him as- Winston Churchill.

Fine, but why was no article written for his friend who ended up himself?

Was he any less talented? NO.

Then why does no one remember him?

Because he didn’t remember himself, he didn’t remember his own self at the time he needed it the most.

But Winnie used himself before using others. He used himself for motivation and went on to become the dynamic personality, the way we remember him today.

Now, let’s come to the STRATEGY-

  • You hold an opinion? Hold on to it, but keep yourself open to opprtunities.
  • Imagine the world as a rollercoaster ocean. Each tide shall bring you down. You alone are your own lifeboat. Winnie accepted the fact that no one would ever support him until he rocked the world without taking its permission. Accept that you are alone on your journey. Accept that breaking laws is OK. This world is a solo performance. You are the player.
  • You don’t need the world’s permission to step ahead though at every moment you’ll be dragged in to the level of the multitude. Break the law. Do what you permit yourself to do. Don’t wait for others to permit you.
  • Be independent. The day you recognise yourself as the lone sailor in a ship that lost its direction and held on to the lifeboat (when you fail) and the pirate with black glasses on in the middle of the night dancing lone with whisky at side (when you are successful), you’ll know you are the Ultimate Player like Winnie.
  • You are the moon amongst stars and the stars are jealous of you, man. Congrats! You made people JeAlOuS!
  • Know that you can defend yourself, so you gotta use your defense mechanism. Shoot those who drag you down.…politely, of course. Wink..
  • BEWARE! There’s a trap there layered with sand. Be conscious of your surroundings. You are alone. Either there’s no one to guide you or there’s everyone to misguide you, so who’ll you choose to believe? YOURSELF, chee’uh. That’s it. You’ve learnt to believe yourself. Also, you’ve learnt why you gotta believe yourself. Go ahead, man! Success is on the right.


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Chetanya Pandey
Chetanya Pandey

Written by Chetanya Pandey

“At an age when young girls play with dolls, Chetanya Pandey has made a mark by way of her English speeches and Extempore.” (Source: TIMES OF INDIA Mixedbag)

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