Chetanya Pandey
2 min readJun 29, 2021

I believe motivation is not the best way for being productive in life, so I devised a method for it.

This is called the Productivity-cum-Frustration method.

Step1- Make a structure like this one and hang it on your wall , at a place where you can see it all the time while studying.. You may use paper/cardboard for it.

Now, write something on it, eg. if your motive is doing 5 hours study, write it in the centre.

Everyday, wehn you complete the target, punch a hole using ALL YOUR MIGHT starting from the top.

After some months you’ll soon see the entire board almost pierced with only the center left.

Continue by making another board, but DON’T THROW AWAY the used board. Preserve it. It’s a mark of your dedication.


I tried several productivity methods but I found it of use because the activity of punching hole was psychologically manipulating me. Everyone gets frustrated after long study hours. This is a way you can vent out your frustration by physically exploiting the board. Secondly, the centre attracts you continuously to itself.

Also, when you are losing the motivation to study, gaze at the centre of the board. This is how I’m motivated to complete the task at hand, and that’s why hanging it right in front of your study table is recommended.

Hence, it solves 2 purposes.

(Those who are expert at shooting may modify this method to hitting one arrow daily at the corners.)

Chetanya Pandey
Chetanya Pandey

Written by Chetanya Pandey

“At an age when young girls play with dolls, Chetanya Pandey has made a mark by way of her English speeches and Extempore.” (Source: TIMES OF INDIA Mixedbag)

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