How to divide a pizza into 3 parts with just 2 cuts?

Chetanya Pandey
2 min readJun 28, 2021


So, my father was facing this issue as he had to divide the pizza b/w granny, mum and himself with just 2 cuts.

This is what I told him to do-

First of all watch a fight b/w mum and granny. Keep the winner in your mind. Then b/w mum and yourself, and then granny and you, and keep the winner in mind.

Now, 2 cases arise- when granny wins and the second when mum wins. No third element in the set because of course your chances to win with either tend to zero. (maybe you win in the fight with granny, but let’s not complicate things)

In the first case divide it this way

In the second case-

I guess that’s the best way out for a happy marital life.

DISCLAIMER: I shall not be held responsible for a dispute in your home. I beg pardon if this plan fails since I’m only 15 years old and am still learning.

Happy mouth watering!.



Chetanya Pandey

“At an age when young girls play with dolls, Chetanya Pandey has made a mark by way of her English speeches and Extempore.” (Source: TIMES OF INDIA Mixedbag)